
How to be a great person: Have good manners!

Say please and thank you, it will make people feel appreciated.

Never intentionally embarrass another person, because everyone deserves respect.

Never talk only about oneself, instead, ask how the other person is doing.

Never ask personal questions in your first meeting. Why so nosy anyway?

Greet people, say hello more often whether it is the mailman or the barista making your coffee, just say hello where you come into contact with another person.

Speak politely by never talking over someone and interrupting them. Just because you are busting to say something that fits the conversation, wait and slip it in when you can.

Congratulate others on their success, and be genuine about it.

Drive nicely. It can be hard to do, but is it such a big deal to let someone into your lane ahead of you? All in all, put safety first.

Introduce others into the conversation rather than let them be wallflowers on the edge. Introduce them to the group and highlight what you have been talking about so they can get up to speed quickly.

Never smoke in front of others without seeking approval. Ask if you can smoke or leave it until later.

Never arrive late or not at all without calling ahead. Everyone’s time is important and again, it reflects back on your character.

Laugh, smile, giggle, cry with dignity. Do not make a scene.

Smile, be interested in the surroundings.

Dress appropriately, because it is generally rude to call a certain attention to yourself. Such as wearing jeans to a wedding, looking sloppy.

Speak properly, make it a habit to pronounce your words clearly and refrain from mumbling or speaking too fast. 

Never assume anything about anyone"She's so rich, it'll be okay if I don't pay her back for lunch."

Never touch another person's things or children unless invited to.

Never talk about money. "How much does it cost?", "What did you pay for your house?", "How much do you earn?", "How much do you make from your business.".

Practice good manners, because manners are kindness.


(reblog from Diana Rikasari)