I am not the kind of a very good person or intellect enough to give a preachment — because I am not even trying to give a preachment — I just want to share a piece of my thoughts through this article, this is how I think through issues.
I started wearing hijab since I started Junior High School. My parents never forced me to wear hijab. My high school back then also one-of-a-kind of school that never forced the students to do this and that and teaching us to be responsible with the choices we take in life instead. At that time, there was a moment when I felt like I need it and to be responsible with my religious obligations, so I thought that was the time when I need to start wearing hijab. It was not difficult to get adapted with my surroundings at that time because almost all of them were Muslim and wearing hijab as well. I still remember the happy faces they made once they found out I started to wearing hijab.
One day, there was a time when I started to going through a new surroundings, leaving my comfort zone behind. I met a lot of new people with various backgrounds and almost all of them were older than me. By various backgrounds I really mean VARIOUS backgrounds – this is the point when I felt like the world is so biiiig! As the time goes on, I figured out that knowing them is a new thing, but adapting with them is the other new thing. I really enjoyed sharing minds with them and I really like their way of thinking. This is how I started to learn more about the freedom to speak up for your own opinion and shout it out to the world.
Until today, this is how my surroundings has created my mindset. People always say to be aware in choosing the right friends for you. Well I did. It never crossed my mind just because this is how the way I think made them as the wrong friends for me. The more I learn, the more I understand that this is also how my closest surroundings, which is my family, also rising me in the same mindset.

Back to talking about the hijab issues. For me, going to concerts or hanging out with boys are okay – as long as we know the limits and know how to protect ourselves. Some people found that it is not appropriate for someone who is wearing veil to go to concerts, dancing, and even singing to the music.
For me, this is how the thing goes. All of us are the same, we are humans. Just because some of us covering our heads under a veil, that doesn't mean we are trying to be seen as a good or religious person. We are just trying to be a better person for ourself and our own beliefs. I know that everybody also trying to be a better person and for me, wearing veil is one of some many ways to reach the goal. There is only one thing that makes all of us different – it is only the matter of ways in how we try to reach the goal. Difference doesn't always mean a bad thing, right? I know a lot of great, good, smart people who doesn't wear hijab. Because it does not define who we are. Darling, the world is so big.
We never know what makes a person become a person or what kind of life they experiencing, so just let it be. Sometimes the things that is right for us could be wrong for other people. And sometimes we can't see why is it wrong for them – where actually, it's just all about our surroundings and how it creates our mindset. And so do this article. You can disagree with the thing that I wrote down in here and it is totally okay because we all have our own rights to understand one and another thing.
"Today, seven billion people experienced this day in a different way."
See you on the next post!
illustration via weheartit