
A Minute Thoughts: Get to Know Yourself

left; rookie teenage bedroom / right; tavi for nylon
all pics from pinterest.com

Lately I've been reading a lot of life tips, quotes, life thoughts, et cetera. This morning I watched some videos about girls talking their minds out (which is very cool) and put them into one playlist. There's Alexa Chung, Tavi Gevinson, and Sofia Coppola in it. Then I found this very interesting video on YouTube and I found myself stuck in there, didn't want to do anything except just keep on watching the video. So the video is about Tavi Gevinson of rookiemag.com talking about her life, books, art, Rookie itself, Taylor Swift, and stuff. The way she talk--even her awkwardness--makes me realised that she, since a very young age, has found and known herself very well and she knows that there's no need to try to be like anyone else because she already has her own self.

Okay so I've been thinking about this thing for times--well sometimes I'm just the same as the any other kids--thinking about like, 'I want to be cool like her' or 'How to love myself' or 'I want to have my very own style so people gonna like it' and others. But then I think about it, and I told myself, do not ever trying to be cool by thrown away yourself just to look like the others. Just, don't. It WON'T makes you cool. I remember this sentence I found on tumblr yesterday -- If you are trying to be something you're not, you will end up being nothing. It's true. I realised when remembering back then I was trying to be someone else just to look cool, and ended up being nothing.

You know, people nowadays were just like, following trends and keep following it even though it doesn't fit with themselves. Well to be honest, I am one of those people. But sometimes by trying to be cool like that even makes me uncomfortable. For explanation, one day I went to a one of the hippest mall in town wearing maxi skirt and shirt and stuff that can "helps me to look cool", yeah you name it. Then I met these girls who wearing the same "cool stuff" like mine but they can wore it better than me, and I feel so ugly--like I'm the most ugly person in this world. So then, I don't want to see my reflection in the mirror, I always shrug off when someone took a photo of me, I don't want to look at my own self. And the worst part, I can't accept myself the way it is.

It's different when the next day I went to the same mall wearing only t-shirt and jeans and sneakers. I feel more comfortable and even more cooler, sorry not sorry. But seriously, I realised that we don't have to try just to look cool. If we like it, we feel comfortable with it, we feel that we are good looking enough with it. Same thing if you choose to keep following the trends. If you feel comfortable with it, then just go on. But however, I am not. I prefer to make my own trends. Hehe!

I really did, let's talk about school. My school is kinda--no, very--different with the any other schools in my country. We are allowed to wear anything we want as long as it's a proper thing. Me, unlike the others, likes to wear different (and sometimes, kinda weird--they say so) kind of clothes. The others were simply wearing tunics, flannels, shirts etc and I was like wearing tees and denim shirt and nike sneakers. Or even sometimes I'm wearing maxi dress with crop top and they say I didn't fit in it. I always getting comments from the teachers about stuff that I wore. But I think, it's just the way I dress and it's proper enough. Really, why?

I tried to not care even though sometimes it annoys me like wha--?? if you want to dress like me, then do it. Sometimes things that we said could meant a real lot to the others. But days by days, there was a day when I look at my friends I was kinda surprised because they are wearing the same denim shirt like mine. I'm about to getting annoyed but then I know, I inspire them. Becoming a trend-setter. Whoa. Since then I know, it's completely okay to be your own self and express it out. Even though it means that you have to be different than the others. Absolutely okay. I'm on your side if you do so.

The same thing happened between me, Tavi, and her Rookie. As you can see, Tavi expressing her style through Rookie and it does inspire the others. Like, me. The first time I saw this website my brain were just like turned upside down and since that, I never see and sue things to be so perfect anymore. Tavi could make Rookie looks like the any other girls magazine, but she's not. She enjoys how Rookie dare enough to look different, out of the box, and make their own trends. And I like it.

Over all, the point is that you have to know yourself well. Love yourself. Accept it the way it is. You are cool enough with your own. Be dare enough to express your own style, even if it means you have to be different than the others.




Still on repeat

When will we believe it, when will we see the light?
Stop running from it; why do we keep denying?
That we can feel it, when we've got each other
And we are electric together


Well we can settle down
Start a family
Cos' you're my best friend
And this is love song number 23


Monthly Journal: October Again

Vinyls at Jalan Surabaya

Memasuki tanggal dua puluhan akhir, bulan akan berganti kurang dari seminggu lagi. Sepanjang ini pula banyak hal yang cukup menyenangkan--hal-hal sederhana sekalipun. Beberapa hari yang lalu saya memutuskan untuk pergi ke Jalan Surabaya karena iseng internet dirumah lagi mati. Hehe. Iya, saya hanya tipikal anak biasa kok.

Pergi ke Jalan Surabaya berarti saya harus turun di Stasiun Cikini. Stasiun yang saya ingat betul waktu kali pertama kesini saya masih belum mengerti apa-apa, masih sangat kecil dan saat itu sedang jalan-jalan berdua dengan Om. Tiap kali saya sampai di Cikini, memori itu selalu terekam ulang dipikiran saya. Entah mungkin terdengar klise, tapi memang saat itu saya bahagia sekali bisa pergi jalan-jalan sampai ke Cikini.

I was wearing Giordano x Resatio Adi Putra T-Shirt that day which I love so muuucchh!

Lalu akhirnya kemarin saya menjarah daerah selatan untuk mencapai Dia.Lo.Gue, sebuah artspace di daerah Kemang yang memang sudah lama saya rencanakan untuk pergi kesana.

Dia.Lo.Gue was very, very nice. Specially the small art shop infront of the cafe. Siang itu di hari Senin art space ini sangat tenang dan nyaman, lagu-lagu yang dilantunkan speaker pojok ruangan pun menyenangkan. Saya sempat menangkap beberapa lagu yang diputar terutama saat Vampire Weekend dan The Smiths dimainkan. Menyenangkan sekali, art space ini terasa sangat homey dan sejuk. Totally feels like home.


Monthly Journal: October

Hi, I'm back!
It's been a quite long time since my last post.

Buat saya, sejauh ini Oktober menjadi bulan terbaik di 2014. Ya, disamping bulan Mei, tentu saja. Banyak sekali hal yang terjadi bulan ini, sehingga saya hampir kelupaan bahwa sekarang sudah hampir mencapai penghujung bulan. Mungkin rasa-rasanya beberapa hal penting yang terjadi di bulan ini akan saya ringkas dalam satu postingan. Jadi, kira-kira ini sajalah yang terjadi pada Oktober saya.

Pertama, setelah keterlambatan memulai magang di pertengahan September lalu akhirnya saya menyelesaikan magang singkat saya di sebuah production house di daerah pinggiran Jakarta. It was pretty great. Saya bisa mengatakan ini adalah magang paling baik diantara magang-magang pilihan lainnya. Tempatnya sangat homey, begitu pula orang-orang di dalamnya. Cukup banyak pelajaran yang bisa saya ambil disana. 

Keliling Jakarta! 

Beberapa minggu sebelumnya kami sepakat untuk jalan-jalan, entah kemana, yang jelas keliling ibu kota. Pada akhirnya kami memulai dari Stasiun Sudirman, mengarah ke Cikini dan berjalan-jalan sebentar di Jalan Surabaya. Setelah itu melanjutkan perjalanan ke Jakarta Kota, berkeliling sekitaran Kota Tua dan menyambung ke Monas menggunakan Trans Jakarta. Terakhir kami pergi ke Sarinah, melihat-lihat CD album dan vinyl di toko musik sampai akhirnya kami menyelesaikan perjalanan hari itu. Cukup singkat tapi juga cukup melelahkan. Menyenangkan, tentu saja.

Keesokan harinya setelah pergi keliling Jakarta, tim Knacker bertemu di Galeri Nasional untuk jalan-jalan artsy dan ngobrol-ngobrol. I met this very creative and good partner Ghina. Ide-idenya banyak sekali dan ia terlihat sangat passionate hampir dalam segala hal, terutama art. Ceritanya tentang teman-teman juga kehidupannya di kampus tidak pernah terdengar membosankan, malah terkadang mengundang tawa saya. Kegairahannya untuk berani menunjukkan bahwa ia berbeda selalu berhasil membuat saya berpikir bahwa dia adalah tipikal yang one of a kind

Pameran keramik hari itu karyanya bagus-bagus sekali. Awalnya saya pikir ini akan sedikit membosankan tapi ternyata saya salah. Tidak sama sekali! Sepulang dari pameran keramik, saya sempat membaca beberapa keluh kesah teman-teman art di media sosial tentang betapa kecewanya mereka pada pengunjung pameran kali ini. Sadar tidak sadar, saya merasa sedikit bersalah juga.

Hal yang mereka kecewakan adalah tentang para pengunjung yang memanfaatkan pameran ini untuk foto-foto ala ala bahkan sama sekali tidak melihat 'art' yang disuguhkan. Saya sadar, mungkin saya sendiri kemarin juga begitu. Tapi setidaknya itu bukan menjadi tujuan utama saya untuk pergi ke pameran hari itu. 

Wajar saja ketika itu beberapa panitia pameran terlihat kurang senang melihat tingkah laku pengunjung. No one is looking at the art. Saya berjanji pada diri saya sendiri bahwa selanjutnya hal ini tidak boleh terulangi lagi. Kalau bisa, saya meminimalisir penggunaan kamera dan melihat karya-karya pameran lebih cermat lagi. 

Pada hari terakhir magang, saya sempat ikut shooting di pusat ibu kota dan bertemu tiga orang jepang dari sebuah perusahaan asing di Indonesia. Cukup capek juga, mengingat akhir pekan sebelumnya lumayan menguras tenaga dan begitu juga hari ini. Tapi capeknya sangat terbayar dengan pelajaran yang jauh lebih priceless. Senang sekali sih yang jelas hari itu, bertemu dengan orang-orang baru, belajar langsung tentang sinematografi dan kehidupan perusahaan besar di pusat kota.

That's all, have a great October everyone!


How to be a great person: Have good manners!

Say please and thank you, it will make people feel appreciated.

Never intentionally embarrass another person, because everyone deserves respect.

Never talk only about oneself, instead, ask how the other person is doing.

Never ask personal questions in your first meeting. Why so nosy anyway?

Greet people, say hello more often whether it is the mailman or the barista making your coffee, just say hello where you come into contact with another person.

Speak politely by never talking over someone and interrupting them. Just because you are busting to say something that fits the conversation, wait and slip it in when you can.

Congratulate others on their success, and be genuine about it.

Drive nicely. It can be hard to do, but is it such a big deal to let someone into your lane ahead of you? All in all, put safety first.

Introduce others into the conversation rather than let them be wallflowers on the edge. Introduce them to the group and highlight what you have been talking about so they can get up to speed quickly.

Never smoke in front of others without seeking approval. Ask if you can smoke or leave it until later.

Never arrive late or not at all without calling ahead. Everyone’s time is important and again, it reflects back on your character.

Laugh, smile, giggle, cry with dignity. Do not make a scene.

Smile, be interested in the surroundings.

Dress appropriately, because it is generally rude to call a certain attention to yourself. Such as wearing jeans to a wedding, looking sloppy.

Speak properly, make it a habit to pronounce your words clearly and refrain from mumbling or speaking too fast. 

Never assume anything about anyone"She's so rich, it'll be okay if I don't pay her back for lunch."

Never touch another person's things or children unless invited to.

Never talk about money. "How much does it cost?", "What did you pay for your house?", "How much do you earn?", "How much do you make from your business.".

Practice good manners, because manners are kindness.


(reblog from Diana Rikasari)


"Karena pada dasarnya, perasaan bahagia yang paling membahagiakan adalah ketika kita melihat orang lain tersenyum bahagia, 
dan kita adalah alasan dibalik senyum bahagia itu."

Always give people more than they expect to get.